Category: News

Arewa?: An Exhibition on Northern Nigeria Art 

Aisha Aliyu-Bima’s mission is to present a tour of Northern Nigeria in Arewa?, an exhibition exploring the contemporary art and practice of artists from Nigeria’s northern region. This exhibition challenges the underrepresentation of Northern Nigerian artists in the Nigerian art scene and beyond.  “This underrepresentation and lack of visibility has

3 must-see art shows during Lagos Art Week

From the just concluded Art X Lagos, one of the largest art festivals in West Africa, to the African International Film Festival (AFRIFF), an annual film festival that happens in Nigeria, and the ongoing Lagos Photo Festival, there are a host of exciting shows for art and culture enthusiasts. 

The African Art Market: 2023 Highlights

Guided by the 2022 global art market analysis from Art Basel and UBS, here is a breakdown of some of this year’s major happenings in the art market in relation to African artists. 
